Take the Lead Fantasy
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My name is Joe Hallal and I am a graduating senior in Computer Science at GW. After graduation I will work as a Software Engineer for Nextuple Inc, a startup company based out of Greater Boston. I hope to continue to develop my skills as a programmer and learn more about the field of Computer Science. I am passionate about web development, algorithms, and software.
All of Joe Hallal’s Assignments
My name is Mihir Mankad and I am a graduating senior at GW studying Computer Science. Once I graduate, will be working as a Software Engineer for Cerner in Kansas City Missouri. I’m excited for the opportunity to further myself as a computer scientist. I have a passion for for sports and video games, and hope to at some point incorporate those into my occupation. I have no long term dreams at the moment, but I just want to continue to develop my skills as a computer scientist no matter what route I take.
All of Mihir Mankad’s Assignments: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nDIqu2FZGPMMp9m7QMhsTzFktCaei00r
My name is Eric Wendt and I am a graduating senior at GWU studying computer science. After graduation, I will be working for a software company in Virginia. I look forward to growing my skills so I can build tools to help people.
All of Eric’s assignments: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kO2fqtNAR4cs8nY91F16LTPCOtHFI79t?usp=sharing
Link to final video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pulcR_FalPirtGz63bXJ_IoRUoFMmUA8/view?usp=sharing